Saturday 15 June 2024

 New link to My Munster Irish Library.

Most if the links seem to have collapsed but the library can be accessed at:

Wednesday 11 April 2012

Introduction to Studies in Modern Irish

Retypesetting is now completed.  Help is now needed in proof-reading my work.
The pdf of the retypeset work is at:
and a good scan to compare it with is at:
There is more to the proofing than just checking the accuracy of the copy: there are errors/inconsistancies in the original, and some characters have not been impressed, and educated guesses have been made at whether, or what is missing.  These deliberate variances have been typed in red.

Monday 2 April 2012

Studies in Modern Irish

Progress has continued, more or less as predicted with 'Introduction', now up to page 166.  I lost a day scanning a couple of books I managed to acquire, associated with the series:
1/Trí Seoda ó Albain: three stories from Scotland.
2/ A Key to the Exercises in Studies in Modern Irish (Part I)
These two books, and another I found in the archive:
Dia, Diabhail, agus Daoine: God, the devil, and people.
I have also upoaded into the studies folder.
The 'Keys' book is in the 'Part I' folder, in its own sub-folder.
It, and part I will be retypeset in due course.

Sunday 25 March 2012

Introduction to Studies in Modern Irish

I have now reached page 148.  That completes the lessons.  Next comes the Key to Exercises, which continues to page 176, being therefore, 28 pages, after which we have the vocabulary, running from page 177 to 192, being 15 pages.
Proof readers are needed.
The files concerned can be found at:
Typically, 2 or 3  typos per page can be expected.
There are also errors in the original text, and this requires competant criticism, which is beyond my capability.  I have marked suspicious text by printing it red.
In most cases, I have taken my best shot at fixing the error.  In some cases, though, I have just marked a suspicious text, as correction is beyond me.

Sunday 4 March 2012

Introduction to Studies in Modern Irish

Now up to page 80.
Some of the page formats have been difficult, but now progress is moving again.
There is some free variation in spelling in the original, and this seems to be deliberate.

Sunday 12 February 2012

Introduction to Studies in Modern Irish

Now up to page 20.
I have adjusted the margins to reduce the condensation required to fit the lines.  I think it is about right now, and only very few lines are heavily condensed. Side margins are now 15mm, and top and bottom, 7.  Theoretically, I could reduce the side margins to 5mm, but that would be pushing it.  Please give me your comments on format. Do I need to adjust further, or is it now ok?
Someone has donated a better scan of Introduction than mine to, and I have placed a copy in the Introduction folder.  I'll be using that file in future as the OCR is much better than mine.
Also, I found in Archive, Parts III and IV, so I have set up two more sub-folders in Studies in Modern Irish.  This folder, you can find at:

Saturday 11 February 2012

Introduction to Studies in Modern Irish

Having completed Aids to the Pronunciation of Irish, subject to peer reveiw, I have moved on to this introduction, which is the first of a set of 4 books by Rev. Gerald O' Nolan, and has the imprimatur of the Educational Company of Ireland in 1921.
Progress so far is up to the bottom of page 14, about 1/10th of the way.
As a result, I have reorganized the books on this subject into their own tree, which you can find here:
Comments and error reports will be welcomed.