Monday, 29 August 2011

Formatting errors in Joyce.

I tried to read the Joyce file on an old Mac, running Classic, but found it failed to load correctly.  Subsequently examining the master files, I found some of the formatting had been corrupted.
Therefore I have corrected the Doc File, and re-printed to PDF.  This destroyed all the internal links, which I have had to reconnect.
During the re-linking, I found specific format errors on pages:
vii, viii, 40, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 118.
All these were format errors, involving either case, or font.  Nothing of major substance, except the font errors were between Georgia and Gael font.  The latter may have been a cause for confusion.
I have optimized the file to PDF 5.0 standard, so it should be readable ok on Mac Classic, using Reader 5.05.

Thursday, 25 August 2011

Two more sections.

The next page boundary after the next section gives us here two sections.

Wednesday, 24 August 2011

Tuesday, 23 August 2011


In response To Dave Webb's efforts, I have decided to retypeset Catalína in modern Seanchló.
Here is the first section:

Monday, 22 August 2011

Joyce and Donovan

I have printed a hard copy of Joyce, and noticed one or three typos. Pages 39 & 69.
Latest version has been uploaded.
As for Donovan, The only file worth using exceeds 25MB, so I have split it.
The two files are <Preface.pfd> and <BodyText.pdf>
The two files can be found in the <Donovan> folder in the <SPIL> folder.

I would like to re-typeset these, but with this bloody DVT, computer time is severely limited, so it must wait.

Feedback - Joyce.

On 22 Aug 2011, at 01:24, Kevin Riley wrote:


Page 1: the sequence of letters in 3 is b f h m p.  You have read the f as p.  It is interesting that Joyce says this (that bilabials do not have a broad and slender form) as Scottish Gaelic retains that, but there is no Irish spoken today which does not make the distinction.  That is the only thing I found to comment on in Part I


Sunday, 21 August 2011

Additions to the wotk

Bookmarks and links added to the Joyce file.
Formatting errors found, also a typo, on pages:
vii, ii, 11, 55, 56, 62, 66, 77, 78, 83, 93.

Saturday, 20 August 2011

Job done.

Appendix, and my introduction added.
That wraps up this job.

Find it at:

Next is O' Donovan, but that is over 500 pages.
I want a break first.

I'll sort out a complete text though from the half dozen incomplete versions, then post it in the library.

Friday, 19 August 2011

Only one page to go.

That leaves just the appendix.
Progress is slow now.  I've just had a bloody DVT.
That's me on rat-poison now.  Dammit!
Only get to use the computer in 10 mnute sessions now.
Very slow!

Ah well. it could have been worse!

Thursday, 18 August 2011

Four pages to go!

Yes, I've just finished page 132.
That indeed leaves just 4 pages.
Are you proof-readers ready?

Wednesday, 17 August 2011

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Getting a bit heavier.

Now up to page 122.
Formatting to fit can be awkward.
Also, this section is a trap for errors.
This will need checcking.
I also found a word with what was either an error, or a doubling of an eclipsable consonnant in place of the modern changed character.  ie, tt for dt.
Is it an error, or just using an archaic style?

Monday, 15 August 2011

Sunday, 14 August 2011

Saturday, 13 August 2011

Friday, 12 August 2011

Thursday, 11 August 2011

Another four pages

Progress at 4 pages per day seems to be sustainable.
Bear in mind, this is a part-time hobby/job.
Page 84 it is now.
52 pages to go, that suggests 13 days to go.
Target date is then 24th August.

Wednesday, 10 August 2011

Four more pages.

That is, up to page 80.
Work continues as and when.
Assistance with proofreading would be a positive help.
Proofreading is best done while the work is in progress.
That way, when the re-typesetting is done, the proofreading is nearly done.

Tuesday, 9 August 2011

Slow progress on Joyce.

While working on Joyce, I came upon a reference to a key grammar by O'Donovan.  I checked, and found 5 copies.  The best, at over 26MB is too big for, so I have selected a second best.
Although there are 5 copies, of the same edition, each one has minor defects, crumpled pages, slipped pages, and missing pages, as well a pages blurred to a greater or lesser degree.
I will try to assemble a good copy from this mess.
Meanwhile, getting back to Joyce,  I have reset some more pages, and now have completed up tp page 76.  Some of these tables are slow work, but progress is still good.

Sunday, 7 August 2011

Work in Progress

Re-typsetting Joyce's Grammar of Irish has now reached page 70.  Last written page is 136.  The file, named: "AGrammarOfThe IrishLanguage.pdf" can be found in the SPIL folder.


As an introduction, let me just give you the link to my library.


This is a folder/directory in Box.Net where I have uploaded a number of pdf image files gleaned mostly from either Google Books, or Archive.Org.

I have for the most part done very little to them, but some, which were damaged, I have repaired to the limits of what is possible, and most of them, I have numbered the pages, and allocated a more meaninful file-name.

One or two, I have re-typeset, adhering closely to style, page and line.  The re-typset versions are usually in the same folder as the source file.  One re-typeset file, in the SPIL folder, is 'Work in Progress', and comments would be appreciated, as some of the Irish text in the original can be unclear, and the scribbles on some pages indicate that the original text is suspect.

Le meas,