Sunday, 7 August 2011


As an introduction, let me just give you the link to my library.


This is a folder/directory in Box.Net where I have uploaded a number of pdf image files gleaned mostly from either Google Books, or Archive.Org.

I have for the most part done very little to them, but some, which were damaged, I have repaired to the limits of what is possible, and most of them, I have numbered the pages, and allocated a more meaninful file-name.

One or two, I have re-typeset, adhering closely to style, page and line.  The re-typset versions are usually in the same folder as the source file.  One re-typeset file, in the SPIL folder, is 'Work in Progress', and comments would be appreciated, as some of the Irish text in the original can be unclear, and the scribbles on some pages indicate that the original text is suspect.

Le meas,

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